Disposition D.N.C.I. Nº 899/99

SEEN Resolutions of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 92 of February 16, 1998, and No. 524, of August 20, 1998, and WHEREAS:
That the process of monitoring and controlling the implementation of Resolution No. 92/98 SIC & M. significant demand human and technical resources allocated to this National resources.
This agency is also implementing authority of other systems of compulsory certification of safety conditions of various consumer products.
It is necessary to give priority to the conditions under which the electric unsuitable products to consumers in the art market.
The reliability of the regime in place, after one year of application, makes it advisable to limit the cases in which the ease of clearance of imported goods without the right to use may be used.
That to give greater seriousness to such transaction is desirable to have the reliable information from the intervener recognized certifying body.
It is necessary to consider the situation of the products whose marketing is discontinued prior to entering the final stage of implementing the system mentioned.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10 of the SIC & M. Resolution No. 524/98.
Article 1 .- extension, until August 18, 2000 the beginning of the term of the SIC & M. Resolution No. 92/98 for all materials and electrical and electronic equipment designed for use with a voltage less than the fifty (50 ) volts. The same treatment is given to those materials and electrical and electronic equipment designed to be used with a rated current exceeding sixty-three (63) amps.
From the date indicated responsible for manufacture or import must prove to the National Directorate of Domestic Trade compliance with the respective stage of applying the above Regulation in force on that date for products marketed.
Article 2 .- In cases where the Directorate General of Customs, under the Federal Administration of Public Revenues, check the failure to comply with the certification requirements established by Resolution No. 92/98 SIC & M., authorize the issuance of the respective goods without the right to use, this is operated under the terms of Law No. 22,802, for the purposes of their regularization by the importer.
For that to happen, the importer shall inform the National Directorate of Domestic Trade, in an affidavit, the amount and type of goods, country of origin, the address of the place where it will remain deposited until its regularization, and identifying the certifying entity and recognized laboratory involved.
The presentation mentioned must be added a note of the agency intervening recognized certification, which realize income from the respective application for certification and compliance by the responsible for the product of all the preliminary steps required for processing the same.
Within sixty (60) days of withdrawal the goods in the aforementioned conditions, the importer must have the required certification and shall accredit it before the National Directorate of Domestic Trade intervene body performing a copy thereof for presentation , by the importer to the Directorate General of Customs, allowing the marketing of the goods involved.
Article 3 .- Those products covered by Resolution 92/98 MN SIC & whose production or importation had been discontinued prior to the respective effective date of the third stage of its implementation, may continue to be marketed backed admitted type certification pursuant to its second stage, according to the provisions of Annex II, provided that their manufacturers or importers to report, in an affidavit, to the National last date of manufacture or import of each.
This authorization is extended for a period of one (1) year from the date any statement.
Article 4 .- This provision shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
ARTICLE 5 .- communicated, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed.

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