Postponing verification prior to customs clearance of the documentation required by Resolution No. 92/98-SICYM for certain goods reached by the electrical safety requirements established by this standard.
Bs. As., 30/11/99
SEEN the resolution of the Secretariat of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 92 of February 16, 1998, and WHEREAS:
That the provision of this National No. 1011, of October 6, 1999, postponed until 1 December this year to control entry into the country of a number of goods reached by the electrical safety requirements established by Resolution sLC and M. No. 92/98.
That date is in its final phase the development of a limited list of products actually achieved by that statute.
That until that list is in force, it is not desirable to prevent the products from entering the country whose demands are still pending determination, subject to compliance by them with the relevant requirements at the time of their placing on the market procedure.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10 of Resolution of the Secretariat of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 524, of August 20, 1998.
Article 1 – Postérgase until 1 February 2000 prior to customs clearance verification of the documentation required by SIC Resolution and M. No. 92/98 by the Directorate General of Customs, under the FEDERAL PUBLIC REVENUE ADMINISTRATION, for the goods listed in Annex I of Provision DNCI No. 1162/98.
Article 2 – The provisions in the preceding article, does not relieve those responsible for products made of compliance with the requirements resulting from the current regulations for marketing in the domestic market.
Article 3 – This provision shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Article 4 – Communicate, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed. – Hugo R. Polverini.
Disposition D.N.C.I. Nº 1124/99
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