Disposition D.N.C.I. Nº 1656/98

SEEN Law No. 22,802 and the Resolution of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 92 of February 16, 1998, and WHEREAS:
That the aforementioned resolution requires for the marketing of low voltage electrical products presentation to the National Board of Trade INSIDE documentation demonstrating compliance with the essential safety requirements set forth therein.
That is often the manufacture or import of electrical products intended to be part of industrial plants or operated by its acquiring services and, therefore, will not suffer a process of commercialization.
At the same time, it is equipment that requires for its operating personnel with knowledge of the matter.
Which, without neglecting minimum security, it is necessary to speed up the realization of investments aimed at promoting the competitiveness of producers and service providers operating in the country.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10 of Resolution of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 524 of August 20, 1998.
Article 1 .- They will be achieved by the present arrangement the low voltage electrical products that are manufactured or imported in small quantities, whose sole purpose is to be part of the industrial or service providers default installations, and requiring for the operation competition for qualified technical personnel with expertise in the electrical field.
Article 2 .- Those responsible for the manufacture and importation of the products mentioned in the previous article, from the effective date of this Order until February 17, 2000, will be completed as required by Resolution N SIC & M. ° 92/98 by filing with the National Board of Trade WITHIN an affidavit of compliance with the essential safety requirements laid down by Annex I thereto.
ARTICLE 3 .- The declaration mentioned in the previous article shall be jointly signed by the owners, presidents of companies or agents of the manufacturer or importer and user companies to which the products are intended, with the signatures of the respective responsible certified notary public; and by an engineer registered with competition in the category of products involved, as a technical representative. It must include a detailed description of each of the products forming part of the respective operation, stating: country of origin, make, model, quantity, voltage and function that will be allocated; an explicit commitment that there will be sold to third parties and their incorporation into the production process of the acquirer, indicating the unit that will be incorporated and registered in the respective plant, and implemented by the latter measures safety precautions for use and maintenance, including its operation by qualified personnel.
Article 4 .- For cases of imported products, the Directorate General of Customs will consider the requirements set for the entry into the country of the equipment mentioned SIC & M. Resolution No. 92/98, upon presentation of a copy of the documentation referred to in the preceding article, duly operated by the National Directorate.
ARTICLE 5 .- This provision shall take effect on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
Article 6 .- communicated, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed.

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