Disposition D.N.C.I. Nº 1218/98

Disposition 1218-1298
Adóptanse measures in order to implement the provisions of Resolution No. 92/98 – SICYM, in relation to the obligation to provide the evidence on which the Declaration of Conformity and Type Certification by manufacturers and importers.
Buenos Aires, 25/09/98 B.O.. 01/10/98
SEEN the resolution of the Secretariat of Industry Trade and Mining No. 92 of February 16, 1998, and WHEREAS:
That resolution referred to in Annex II states that a copy of the corresponding Declaration of Conformity and Certification type, corresponding to the early stages of operation, must be received by distributors, wholesalers and retailers that sell a product.
In some cases compliance with this obligation could lead to a volume of documentation difficult to handle and contain partially redundant information for the consumer.
That is to simplify the content of the information should remain in the outlets, available to consumers who require it.
The decision of the Department of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 524 of August 20, 1998 empowers the National Office to adopt the measures that are necessary in order to implement the provisions of the SIC & M. Resolution No. 92/98.
Article 1º- Manufacturers and importers may complete an obligation to provide the evidence on which the Declaration of Conformity and Type Certification by Resolution No. 92/98 SIC & M., accompanied by the delivery of its products to different stages of the marketing chain with forms identified with your name or company name, address and Tax ID number, which record the following information:
– Product designation.
– Country of origin.
– Brand.
– Model or code.
– No. Declaration of Conformity (Part B), or Type Certification and issuer, as applicable.
– Submission of the Statement of Compliance or Type Certificate to the National Directorate of Internal Trade.
– Step No. given to the presentation.
Article 2º This provision shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Article 3º- communicated, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and archívese.-Hugo R. Polverini.

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