Disposition D.N.C.I. Nº 618/99

The decision of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 92 of February 16, 1998, establishes essential safety requirements to be met by the low-voltage electrical equipment that is sold in the country.
That these requirements are fully insured if the safety requirements set by national or IEC international standards are met IRAM.
That in our country the domestic distribution voltage is two hundred and twenty (220) volt.
That appliances that are sold for a voltage other than this require, by its users, the network connection by adding processors.
That the addition of mobile processors, various selected and connected by inexperienced users origins, introduces an additional risk factor is desirable to avoid.
That in addition to the strictly domestic, it is necessary to preserve the safety of those without specific knowledge in the field, use or operate, regularly or occasionally, the electrical equipment.
That the provision of such equipment suitable to the line voltage used in our country, by manufacturers and importers, made safer use by ordinary consumers.
It is necessary to explicitly contemplate the specificity of hospital equipment used in units of restricted access.
It is appropriate to grant powers of interpretation and implementation of these provisions to the National Directorate of Domestic Trade, under the Secretariat of Domestic Trade, within which compliance will supervise them.
That the General Directorate of Legal Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and Public Works and Services, has taken action within its jurisdiction.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 12 subsection b) of Law No. 22,802 and Decree No. 1183 of November 12, 1997.
Article 1 .- It will be achieved by this resolution the low voltage electrical equipment intended for home or similar use; taken to be those applications that still form part of commercial facilities and / or service providers and / or processors, packers, conditioner and / or vending of products, they can be operated by the general public or staff that does not have knowledge specific in the electric field.
Article 2 .- only be marketed in the country those substances covered by the previous article, designed for a voltage of between FIFTY (50) and two hundred and twenty (220) volt operation support for direct network connection electrical distribution low voltage, without recourse to external processing units. For the purposes of applying this resolution, to consider any transfer marketing, even as part of a greater good.
ARTICLE 3 .- The Directorate General of Customs, under the Federal Administration of Public Revenues, authorize the import of consumption goods reached by this resolution, after verification of compliance with the requirements of the previous article.
Article 4 .- exclude from the provisions of this resolution to anyone electrical equipment specifically designed for use in hospital areas with restricted access.
ARTICLE 5 .- is empowered to the National Directorate of Domestic Trade, under the Secretariat of Domestic Trade, to adopt the measures that are necessary for the purpose of interpreting, clarifying and implementing the provisions of this resolution.
Article 6 .- Violations of the provisions of this resolution shall be punished according to the provisions of Law No. 22,802.
ARTICLE 7 .- This Resolution shall take effect hundred and eighty days (180) days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
ARTICLE 8 .- communicated, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed.

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