Disposition D.N.C.I. Nº 323/99

Amend the Regulation No. 1009/98, whereby the beginning of validity of Resolution No. 92/98-SICYM, which determined the essential safety requirements to be met by low-voltage electrical equipment for marketing was extended. Extiéndense deadlines set out in Resolution No. 92/98-SICYM and Disposal 34/99, for home appliances.
Bs. As., .: 03/24/99 18/03/99 B.O
SEEN Resolutions of the Secretariat of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 92 of February 16, 1998, and No. 524 of August 20, 1998, and WHEREAS:
That for better utilization of available resources, it is necessary to stagger over time the obligations mentioned in Resolution seen.
It also is essential for users and consumers to ensure that products made by that resolution are marketed by elements provided they meet the required conditions of safety.
It is appropriate to allow the continued marketing of those products to reach the final nature, requiring other components subject to this regime.
That Resolution S.I.C. and M. No. 123 of March 3, 1999, establishes the procedure for the recognition of Certification Bodies and Laboratories.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10 of Resolution of the Secretariat of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 524 of August 20, 1998.
Article 1. Replacing Article 2 of the Provision DNCI No 1009/98 by the following:
SECTION 2 For the purposes of determining the duration of the first stage of implementation of Resolution SIC and M. No. 92/98, taking into account the provisions of the preceding article without payrolls to be exhaustive, will consider the following:
a) Electrical Supplies:
– Cables for indoor fixed installations;
– Cables with protective sheathing;
– Pipes, ducts, and all other system cablecanales channeling domestic and similar use, accessories and boxes;
– Manual electrical switches for household and similar facilities;
– Command and control devices for domestic use;
– Outlets and chips household and similar purposes;
– Overcurrent breakers for domestic and similar uses;
– Residual current circuit breakers for domestic and similar uses;
– Keys and switches in air combined with fuses up to 63 A rated current;
– Fuses up to 63 A rated current, suitable for use by unqualified persons;
– Modular series electrical boards up to 63 A rated current;
– Insulating tapes;
– Use electric terminal blocks;
– Grounding materials;
– Capacitors for power factor improvement;
– Energy meters
b) Appliances:
– Electrical household appliances;
– Appliances that can be a source of danger to unqualified people, including those intended to operate in public places and in shops;
– Powered portable machine tools up to 20 A rated current;
– Sockets and sockets;
– Glow discharge lamps;
– Additional non-electronic lighting equipment.
c) Electronic Devices:
– Electronic household appliances and the like;
– Computer equipment intended for household and similar uses;
– Electronic equipment for offices, shops and public places;
– Additional electronic lighting equipment;
– Fixtures of any kind;
– Vertical lifting means (lifts, etc.).
SECTION 2 Extiéndese until April 30, 1999, the deadlines set out in Annex II of Resolution No. 92/98 SIC & M., for electrical equipment and appliances.
SECTION 3 Extiéndese until April 30, 1999, the deadline set in Article 3 of the Arrangement DNCI No. 34 of January 18, 1999 for home appliances.
ARTICLE 4. This provision shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
ARTICLE 5. Communicate, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and archívese.- Hugo R. Polverini.

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