SEEN Resolutions of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 92 of February 16, 1998; No. 524, of August 20, 1998, and No. 123 of March 3, 1999, and WHEREAS:
SIC & M. That Resolution No. 92 states in its ANNEX II deadlines for the start of its second phase of implementation.
View that that stage those responsible for the respective products must make the presentation of a type certificate or mark of conformity of the same before the National Directorate.
SIC & M. that Resolution No. 123/99 states that the certification bodies and laboratories involved in the process of mandatory certification, recognition must have the effect by the Secretariat, through the National Directorate.
That for it the same legal standard determines the mechanisms for evaluating the applications for recognition.
Which to date it has not been possible to complete the evaluation procedures, so you do not have certification bodies and recognized by the Secretariat, to fulfill the function mentioned laboratories.
That, in such circumstances, it is appropriate to postpone the start of the second stage of implementation of Resolution No. 92/98 SIC & M. for those products.
That to maintain the cirterio of gradualism in the implementation of that resolution, it is appropriate to postpone the same maturity corresponding to electronic products.
It is expected that before June 18, 1999 must complete the process of recognition of a number of certification bodies and laboratories, which may begin their specific tasks from the time of its authorization.
It is necessary to allow those responsible for the manufacture, import and marketing of products made continuity of its activities, in cases where irrefutably prove compliance with all the steps within its power to access the required certification.
That the provision of this National Directorate No. 34 of January 18, 1999, determines deadlines for the implementation of these elective procedures, it is convenient to upgrade.
Article 10 of the SIC & M. Resolution No. 524/98 empowers the National Office to issue the necessary implementing measures to comply with the provisions of the SIC & M. Resolution No. 92/98.
Article 1 .- Extiéndese until June 18, 1999 the deadline for the start of the second stage of implementation of Resolution No. 92/98 SIC & M., established by Annex II of the same, for materials and electronics and home appliances.
Article 2 .- Extiéndese until 18 September 1999 the deadline for the start of the second stage of implementation of Resolution No. 92/98 SIC & M., established by Annex II of the same, for electronic products.
Article 3 .- Those who manufacture, import, distribute and / or marketing of low voltage electrical equipment within the system established by SIC & M. Resolution No. 92/98, and that the deadlines have not obtained the relevant certificate product conformity mark required by it, or the type certificate admitted failing, and until that happens, will commercialize the respective goods except upon the corresponding presentation to the National Directorate of the Affidavit of product conformity, in terms of the provision of the National Directorate of Domestic Trade No. 1009 of August 13, 1998, accompanied by a note from intervening certification body. In it, the said agency will realize income of the respective application for certification and for the completion by the management of the product of all the preliminary steps required to process it, including objective evidence programming respective laboratory tests when they are necessary. For the application of the described procedure, the processing required must have started, inevitably, before 18 September 1999.
Article 4 .- The recognized to intervene in the present regime, certification authorities submitted to the National Office a monthly report which shall include: certificates issued, possibly suspended or canceled, and the proceedings initiated towards achieving the relevant certificate. This National notify the Directorate General of Customs, under the Federal Administration of Public Revenue, the information mentioned above, in order to proceed to the customs clearance of the respective goods.
ARTICLE 5 .- Repealed Provision of the National Directorate No. 34/99.
Article 6 .- This provision shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
ARTICLE 7 .- communicated, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed.
Disposition D.N.C.I. Nº 499/99
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