Disposition D.N.C.I. Nº 963/99

SEEN Laws Nos. 22,802 and 24,240, and WHEREAS:
The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Mining has established mandatory certification of safety requirements and identification schemes that reach various items of products sold in the domestic market.
Such schemes provide for the submission of the required certificates to the National Directorate.
It is necessary to establish the appropriate means for recording and information management compliance with these schemes.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Decree No. 1450 of December 12, 1996.
Article 1 .- To approve the form on one page as Annex I, is part of this arrangement, which must accompany the submission to the National Directorate of type certificates and marks of conformity as required by the various schemes Compulsory Certification established by the Secretariat. It must have the signature of the owner, legal representative or agent of the company responsible for marketing the product in the country concerned, it must certify a Public Notary whose intervention should legalize the appropriate professional association, and be accompanied a coincident magnetic mount version with the original.
Article 2 .- This provision shall take effect from today’s date.
Article 3 .- communicated, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed.

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