Buenos Aires, 18/2 / 99’B.O:.. 22.2.99
SEEN Resolutions of the Secretariat of Industry, Trade and Mining No. 92 of February 16, 1998, and No. 524 of August 20, 1998, and WHEREAS:
That Resolution S.I.C. and M. No. 92/98 establishes the obligation of the certification of the essential safety requirements of the low voltage electrical equipment that is sold in the country.
That for carrying out the tests which are necessary for the issuance of such certification, the same legal standard requires the participation of laboratories recognized by the Secretariat.
That the information, expertise and equipment exhibited by the Center for Research and Development of Electronics and Computer Science of the National Institute of Industrial Technology, Area Laboratories machines, Devices and Electrical Installations Electrical Department, employees of the Faculty of Engineering National University of La Plata and Instrumentation Laboratory of Electronics Department under the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Buenos Aires are suitable for carrying out the tests required for certification.
It is necessary to track the performance of the recognized organizations in order to avoid deviations that cause harm to the system as a whole.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10 of the SIC Resolution and M. No. 524/98.
SECTION 1 – hereby recognized Center for Research and Development of Electronics and Informatics (CITEI) System Centers National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI), for the purposes of testing pursuant to Resolution No. SIC & M. 92/98, on electrical equipment and appliances and electronics.
ARTICLE 2 – hereby recognized the Area Laboratories machines, Devices and Electrical Installations Electrical Department, under the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of La Plata, for the purposes of testing under SIC & Resolution M. No. 92/98, on electrical equipment and appliances and electronics.
SECTION 3 – hereby recognized Instrumentation Laboratory Department of Electronics, under the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Buenos Aires, for the purposes of testing under SIC & M. Resolution No. 92/98, on appliances and electronics.
ARTICLE 4 – be grounds for revocation of these recognitions, the verification by the National Directorate of any anomaly in the development of activities which are recognized, by the laboratories achieved by the present.
SECTION 5 – The laboratories recognized by the present arrangement should provide information, about the activities for which they are recognized, the National Directorate deems necessary; and submit to the controls it provides.
SECTION 6 – This provision shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
ARTICLE 7 – Communicate, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed. – Eng. ROBERTO HUGO POLVERINI, Director c / o National Directorate of Internal Trade.
and v .. 22/2 No. 267,510. 02/22/99