Resolution 92/98 SEICyM

SEEN File No. 060-001840 / 97 Registry of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC WORKS AND SERVICES, Laws Nos. 22,415 and 22,802 and Decree No. 1474 of August 23, 1994, and WHEREAS:
The need to ensure consumer safety in the use of low-voltage electrical equipment in normal or foreseeable conditions of use.
Which it is a function of the National State to determine the essential safety requirements to be met by low-voltage electrical equipment for marketing and create a mechanism to ensure compliance.
The system of certification by accredited institutions are a suitable mechanism for this purpose and adopted internationally.
That the Federal Government should ensure the adequacy of standards and certifications that are extended by respective agencies of recognized technical competence according to the state of the art in the field, within the National System of Standards, Quality and Certification.
That to achieve this goal of security is recognized international practice to refer to national standards such as those developed by the Argentine Standards Institute (IRAM) and international standards such as the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC), as this methodology allows for adaptation and update to technical progress.
Must be allowed free movement only to the domestic trade of artifacts, appliances or materials that meet the essential requirements referred.
That being the minimum required these requirements from the point of view of safety of people, goods and pets, compliance with them must not exempt from regulations in force in other specific areas.
It is convenient identification by stamp of certified security products for consumer guidance.
The Permanent Legal Service of the Ministry of Economy and Public Works and Services has taken action within its jurisdiction according to Article 7, subsection d) of Law No. 19,549 and its amendments.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 11 and Article 12 inc. b) Law No. 22,802, Article 22 of Decree 1474 of August 23, 1994 and Decree No. 1183 of November 12, 1997.
Article 1 .- may not be marketed in the country’s low-voltage electrical equipment that meets the essential safety requirements detailed in Annex I in two (2) forms that are part of this resolution, considering all marketing transfer even as part of a greater good.
Article 2 .- For the purposes of this resolution means low voltage electrical equipment to artifacts, appliances or materials for an electrical installation or part of it, having a nominal voltage of up to one thousand (1000) Volt AC or to effectively thousand five hundred (1500) Volt DC current.
Article 3 .- The manufacturers, importers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers of the products mentioned in the previous article shall make or require certification to certify compliance with the essential safety requirements referred to in Article 1 by a product safety certification granted by a certification body accredited by the Argentine Accreditation Body (OAA) in accordance with Decree No. 1474/94. This certification will be implemented following the procedure and time limits set out in Annex II in two (2) forms part of this resolution.
These requirements are considered fully insured if the safety requirements established in the applicable IEC or IRAM, relevant standards to electrical equipment considered are met.
Products certified according to the provisions above shall display an indelible stamp that allows unequivocally identify such circumstances.
ARTICLE 4 .- The Directorate General of Customs released the import for consumption of the electrical equipment referred to this resolution after verification of compliance with the requirements of Article 3 thereof. To this end the National Directorate of Domestic Trade provide the Directorate General of Customs necessary information.
ARTICLE 5. All matters that have to do with the safety of low voltage electrical equipment shall be governed by this resolution, all the resolutions being repealed listed in Annex III in two (2) forms part of the same , and those established procedures or requirements other than those provided for in this.
Also mentioned in Annex resolutions relating to low-voltage electrical equipment that remain valid are included.
ARTICLE 6. The certification granted as established by this resolution does not exempt compliance with regulations in force in other areas over the same equipment.
Article 7. Violations of the provisions of this resolution shall be punished according to the provisions of Law No. 22,802.
Article 8. This Resolution shall be effective after six (6) months after its publication in the Official Gazette.
Article 9. communicated, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed.
RESOLUTION S.I.C. and M.N 92/98

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