Recognition standards for certification bodies and laboratories whose work is intended for issuing certificates of compliance and test protocols for compliance with mandatory certification schemes for various products and services.
Bs. As., B.O .: 03/08/99 03/03/99
SEEN File No. 064-010660 / 98 Registry of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC WORKS AND
The Department of Industry, Trade and Mining, through Resolutions No. 92 of February 16, 1998; No. 730 of November 3, 1998; No. 753 of November 6, 1998, and No. 851 of December 11, 1998, additional laws N ° s. 19,511, 22,802 and 24,240, has established mandatory certification for marketing various products in the country regimes.
This Secretariat as Enforcement Authority compulsory certification schemes mentioned above, is in a position to evaluate the legal requirements of such schemes as regards the involvement of certification bodies and laboratories.
The National Directorate of Domestic Trade, under the Domestic Trade SUBSECRETARIADE this Department, it is, by the specificity of its mandate, the appropriate body for this.
It is convenient to adopt criteria for evaluating applications for recognition in line with those internationally recognized, such as those included in the relevant ISO Guides.
It is necessary to provide for procedures of control over the development of the activities of the entities reach their recognition.
It is necessary to ensure reciprocity in the conditions of entry of domestic products to other markets regarding the origin of certifications.
That, also, provision mechanisms designed to avoid unnecessary duplication of tests and trials intended to establish compliance with the same properties.
That the general direction of the Ministry of Economy Legal Affairs and Public Works and Services has taken action within its jurisdiction.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Articles 11 and 12 paragraph b) of Law No. 22,802, and Decree No. 1183 of November 12, 1997.
The Minister of Industry, Trade and Mining RESOLVED:
Article 1 – All certifying entity and all laboratory whose work is intended for issuing certificates of compliance and test protocols for compliance schemes mandatory certification of products and services established by the Secretariat shall have their recognition Indeed, through the National Directorate of Domestic Trade, under the Undersecretariat of Domestic Trade. As a condition for obtaining recognition referred, in addition to his background and expertise, proven experience in certification of products, and the adequacy of the entities concerned with the guidelines adopted by the ISO Guides No. 65 and No. 25, according to the case. Will result in forfeiture of awards issued, testing by the National Board of Trade within any irregularity in the proceedings for which it issued the corresponding recognition. In order to evaluate the development of the activities of the recognized organizations, they must make available to the National Directorate said all the information requested by them and subject to the same controls available.
Article 2 – The recognition referred to in the preceding article will be awarded by Arrangement founded the National Directorate of Domestic Trade, after receiving the opinion that, on the applications, issue an Evaluation Committee, that body constituted for that purpose.
Article 3 – Those responsible for the manufacture, importation, distribution and marketing of products and services achieved by the regimes referred to in Article 1 of this Order, shall submit to the NATIONAL DIRECTION OF DOMESTIC TRADE, authenticated copies of certificates conformity issued by recognized certification bodies, before beginning any marketing.
Article 4 – For the purposes of implementing the arrangements referred to in Article 1 of this Order, the National Directorate of Domestic Trade shall only recognize foreign certification bodies and laboratories where they are accredited by the respective national agency accreditation, and which belong to countries with which reciprocity agreements in force are the effect.
Article 5 – In order to lead to the formalization of the agreements referred to in the previous article, the National Board of Trade may approve agreements INTERIOR recognition procedures conformity assessment concluded by recognized national certification bodies, with foreign entities accredited in their country of origin.
Article 6 – repeals all provisions of the SIC Resolutions and M. N ° s. 92/98; 730/98; 753/98 and 851/98, which establishes procedures that contradict those established by this resolution.
Article 7 – Violations of the provisions of this resolution shall be punished according to the provisions of Law No. 22,802.
Article 8 – This Resolution shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Article 9 – Communicate, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed. Alieto A. Guadagni.
Disposition D.N.C.I. Nº 123/99
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